Bonaquist To Speak at Realtors Event

Robyn Bonaquist

Robyn Bonaquist, President and Founder of B-Squared Advertising of Naples, will be the guest speaker at the upcoming Second Annual Realtors Event, sponsored by Robb & Stucky. The event takes place on Thursday, October 18, at the Robb & Stucky Showroom in Fort Myers.

Bonaquist will give a presentation entitled, “Marketing to Millennials.” The information will provide insight into the obstacles of marketing to a generation notoriously known for being a mystery to others, as well as the secrets to overcoming those obstacles.

Bonaquist highlights the basic questions: who they are, where they are, and what they’re looking for, as well as how to reach and how to appeal to this upcoming generation of homebuyers.

Now the largest population on earth, the purchasing power of Millennials will only continue to grow as these individuals continue to get older. Company owners, presidents, and CEOs will be tuning in to, “Marketing to Millennials”, trying to crack the code of the enigmatic generation taking the market by storm.

With more than 25 years of experience in the real estate and development, and homebuilding industries, Bonaquist, together with her company B-Squared Advertising, has a client list that extends across the country, including Central America.

Founded in 2001, B-Squared Advertising has been recognized nationwide for its award-winning creative abilities and sound marketing strategies.

The company is located at 5676 Strand Court, Naples, Florida 34110. Visit